Why you need to fingerpint PAHs
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous environmental contaminants.
As such, it is imperative to know if the PAHs you are measuring are from the sources you think they are. Or to know if they are coming from alternative sources.
It has never been so easy! Try our new online portal to help fingerprint you PAHs.
What does it do for you:
- compares to guidelines
- graphs your PAHs (export your fingerprints to your database or for your reports)
- uses diagnostic ratios to identify sources
- compares to database sources to match/identify potential sources
- allows you to compare to source and background samples from your site
Don't assume the PAHs are automatically coming from what you were hired to look at...
Hope to see you on Wednesday this week for a seminar of PAH fingerprinting fundamentals and the online portal that is now available through Statvis Analytics Inc.
Webinar is Wednesday, May 22nd 10 AM PST
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